Thursday, January 31, 2013

Girl, Where have you been??

Hi all!!!
 Happy Belated Thanksgiving and all that jazz!!!! You have to forgive me for being away for so long. My life had spun out of control and I barely had time to even sleep. Anyway, I hope you guys are doing well and are having a very happy and productive holiday season!

Let's Catch Up...
The last time I blogged, I was preparing for a trip to New Orleans with my Best friends and my Boyfriend. It was amazing!! I had a blast!! I had a bit of anxiety about missing work for 3 days but I quickly got over that but when I say I worked up until it was time to go, I MEAN THAT! I left the salon aroun 11pm, went home, finished packing and did ANOTHER sewin at 1am. We were scheduled to leave around 4am. Anyway, the trip was lovely, We spent alot of the time drunk, eating greasy spoon, and BEING TOURISTS! It was great!!

Here are some pictures...
                                                   Montreal and Jeremy In the Hustler Store
Drive Thru Daiquiris?? Can't Be!!!
                                                        Me and My Candy Muscles :-)
Me and My Best Friend NIA

Lesson Learned

Me, My Two Best Friends and My Boyfriend

Outrageously expensive sunglasses from Bourbon St.

His Burger had a grilled cheese sandwich IN IT!!!


That same week, one of my really good friends, Erika J., joined Bella Donna's salon team and I am JUST THRILLED!! It has literally been the highlight of my year! I am so excited about working with her.        


Hmm...okay, what else. I CUT MY HAIR!!!!!!!


There's a bunch of other little things but I won't bore you with those!!! Just wanted to check in. My goal is to remain consistent with this because I do, enjoy it so much.

I love Y'all. Be Well
Your Happy Stylist

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