Thursday, January 31, 2013

Girl!! Where Have You Been???

Hey All!!!

Please don't fuss at me! I know it has been forever since I've blogged. My life has just been so crazy!!

My friends and I went on vacation to New Orleans the first week in November, which was a lot of fun and when we got back, I had to begin preparing for the holidays. When you're a hair stylist with a decent sized client base, it can sometimes be, challenging and tedious. However, we made it through, everyone looked beautiful and was happy and I couldn't have been more satisfied with that. 

My new year wasn't anything extra special. I worked in the salon all day, went to dinner with my boyfriend, we came home, and we were asleep before 11:30. We will probably regret that when we marry and have babies! 

We (my boyfriend and I) have recently joined a new Church. It is called Kingdom Restoration Outreach Ministries (KROM) and our lives have never been more complete. We have an AMAZING pastor and she is very passionate about her ministry and even more passionate about GOD. We love her. 

Speaking of our new Pastor...

Okay so, Somewhere around the beginning of the year, My boyfriend and I were having some serious issues. We were having such a hard time trying to get each other to see things from our own perspective that we weren't hearing each other. I had gotten so tired and frustrated that I just given up and was planning to walk away. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone and you love them a lot and you're good together but there's this ONE THING that's standing in the way of you guys being genuinely happy and it seems like they won't do anything to fix it??Yeah, well that was our issue. So, we went to couples counseling. BEST IDEA WE'VE EVER HAD!!!!!! 

Pastor Freeman and Pastor Lake (female and male pastors, Brilliant Idea, by the way) taught us how to listen to each other well enough to know what's going on inside, even if we're not communicating the issue directly. They showed how we each, receive and communicate with each other and although we do it differently, how to do it effectively, together. They also dissected our biggest issue and gave several solutions and ways to move onward and upward from it. 

The reason why I chose to share this with you guys is because, I was about to give up on a great relationship and an even greater man because I was frustrated. Couples counseling helped us in so many ways and I have been shouting to the mountain tops about how effective it is. I mean, it REALLY helps!! So if you're in a relationship of any kind and you have the desire to be with this person for a long time , I urge you to go to couples counseling, even if you think you don't have any issues. It will be the best thing you ever do for yourself and your relationship!!! 

I love y'all! Be Well
Your Happy Stylist

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