Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Birthday!!!!

Hi All!!!! 

First of all, thank you for taking time out of your "All Hallows Eve" to read my measly old First Blog

You have no idea how ABSOLUTELY THRILLED, I am today! Not for any reason extra special other than, today being the birthday of my blog, "Confessions of a Happy Stylist". In case you'd like to know what made me want to give this a try or I find myself still doing this 10 years down the line and I forget and Ill need to go back and reference, Ill tell you!!! 

I won't call her a client because she has turned out to be much more than that, so A friend of Mine, Rhonda at Looms, Lids, and Layers has been a blogger for quite some time now and when I added her on Face book, she encouraged me to check it out and I think I may have glanced at it in case she asked about it but that was pretty much it. Anyway, the other night I was screwing around on Face book and happened upon her blog spot and got sucked in and then I started reading the blogs of the people she subscribed to and before i knew it I was up all night!! I'm addicted!! There's a whole new world out there that I had NO IDEA existed and I decided that because I have so much to say and much much more to share, I'd start a blog of my own! 

I would like to share with you a little bit about myself.

I am a high-strung, workaholic, hairstylist.I am 25 years old. I love my job and I love my clients much more!  I mean, seriously,I have the pleasure of servicing some of the most amazing women to ever grace this planet. From Doctors to Pastors to Stay at Home moms to teachers and entrepreneurs. I am truly grateful for each of them because they all, in their own way, make me better! I am in a relationship with a great guy who loves me to pieces. He has a precious little baby boy who I am absolutely obsessed with! He is perfect! I have been in his life since the day he was born and we have developed a beautiful bond that I value implicitly.My mother and I have the best relationship ever and I have a brilliant little brother who LITERALLY knows everything!

 I love life. I love people. I love places and I love food. I believe my purpose in life is to feed the world with my amazing culinary skills and to make it beautiful with my gifts! As long as I can do these two things forever, I will be more than satisfied!t

And with that said...HAPPY BIRTHDAY "Confessions of a Happy Stylist" and I wish you many many more!!! 

Your Happy Stylist


  1. kuddos to my beautiful sweet "happy stylist" for stepping into a new arena whereby she can share her heart with others. Love it!!!!!!

  2. Yay! Congrats and Happy Birthday to a beautiful blog! I look forward to reading your posts. You are phenomenal and I am happy to a part of your world!! Smooches!

  3. Congrats to my absolute favorite HappyStylist!! I wish you the best in any and everything you do!!
